Monday, August 30, 2010

Change of Background html programm

Background Colour
<title> Change Background Colors </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write ("<center><font size=+4>Just for Fun</font></center>")
function changeBkgrnd(color)
document.bgColor = color;
<font size="+3">
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('red')">Red</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('green')">Green</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('yellow')">Yellow</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('blue')">Blue</a><br>

Change of Background html programm

Background Colour
<title> Change Background Colors </title>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write ("<center><font size=+4>Just for Fun</font></center>")
function changeBkgrnd(color)
document.bgColor = color;
<font size="+3">
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('red')">Red</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('green')">Green</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('yellow')">Yellow</a><br>
<a href=""onMouseOver="changeBkgrnd('blue')">Blue</a><br>

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chapter-1 Html Form and Frame Explorer Output in Computer

Computer programm in HTML Simple Adder

Simple Adder Form

Simple adder

<title> Simple Adder </title>

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function addNumbers(n1,n2)
var no1 = parseFloat(n1);
var no2 = parseFloat(n2); = no1+no2;
function clearNumbers()
Adderfrm.number1.value = "";
Adderfrm.number2.value = ""; = "";

<form name="Adderfrm" method="post">

<h1>Simple Adder</h1>

<h2>Enter a number:
<input type="text" name="number1" size=20> <br><br>

Enter a number:
<input type="text" name="number2" size=20> <br><br>

<input type="button" name="AddButton" value="Add Numbers"

<input type="button" name="ClearButton" value="Clear Fields"
onClick="clearNumbers()"> <br><br>

Answer =
<input type="text" name="total" size=12>

Computer programm in HTML Simple Adder

Simple Adder Form

Simple adder

<title> Simple Adder </title>

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function addNumbers(n1,n2)
var no1 = parseFloat(n1);
var no2 = parseFloat(n2); = no1+no2;
function clearNumbers()
Adderfrm.number1.value = "";
Adderfrm.number2.value = ""; = "";

<form name="Adderfrm" method="post">

<h1>Simple Adder</h1>

<h2>Enter a number:
<input type="text" name="number1" size=20> <br><br>

Enter a number:
<input type="text" name="number2" size=20> <br><br>

<input type="button" name="AddButton" value="Add Numbers"

<input type="button" name="ClearButton" value="Clear Fields"
onClick="clearNumbers()"> <br><br>

Answer =
<input type="text" name="total" size=12>

Date and time Programm for HTML

Today's date and time Programm

<title> displaying date </title>
<body bgcolor="yellow">
<font size="+2" text color="blue">
<script type="text/javascript">
var todayDate=new Date(); // declare variable
/* this will display the current date as well as the current time */

Date and time Programm for HTML

Today's date and time Programm

<title> displaying date </title>
<body bgcolor="yellow">
<font size="+2" text color="blue">
<script type="text/javascript">
var todayDate=new Date(); // declare variable
/* this will display the current date as well as the current time */

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Java personalising programm for HTML FOR STD 12





<title> Personalising Home Page</title>


<body bgcolor="pink">

<font size="+6" text color="Red">


<script type="text/javascript">

var userName;

userName=prompt("Please enter your name");

document.write("Hello "+userName+", Welcome to this website");






Frames ch-1 Programm for std 12 For computer subject

<frameset cols="75%,*">
<frame src="1234.jpg">
<frameset rows="30%,*">
<frame src="123.jpg">
<frame src="car.jpg">

Chapter-1 Form and Frame for Computer HTML Programm

<title> Whizkid Registration Form </title>
<h1> Whizkid Gaming Comunity </h1>
<h4> Login Information </h4>
<td> Username: </td>
<input type="text"name="username"value="username"size="10"maxlength="10">
<td> Email: </td>
<input type="text" name="email" value="enter email here"size="25"maxlength="25">

<td> Password : </td>
<td> <input type= "password" name="password1"> </td>
<td> <small> must be 8-25 characters long </small> </td>
<td> Confirm Password : </td>
<td> <input type="password" name ="password2"></td>
<td> <small> should match the password </small></td>

<h3> Other information</h3>
<td> Name:</td>
<td> <input type="text"name="name"value="enter name"> </td>

<td> Mobile No:</td>
<td> <input type="text"name="mobile"> </td>

<td> Image:</td>
<td> <input type="file"name="Imagename"> </td>
<td> <small> upload your image file(optional)</small></td>

<td>Receive alert by:</td>
<td><input type="radio" name="alert by" value="Email"checked>Email
<input type="radio" name="alert by" value="SMS">SMS </td>
<tr> <td> Games of Interest:</td>
<td> <input type="checkbox" name="game" value="Shooting"checked>Shooting
<input type="checkbox" name="game" value="Puzzle">Puzzle
<input type="checkbox" name="game" value="Detective">Detective
<input type="checkbox" name="game" value="scrabble">Scrabble

<td> <select name="Country" Size=3 multiple>
<option value="France">France</option>
<option selected value="India">India</option>
<option value="New Zeland">New Zeland</option>
<option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option>
<option value="United States">United States</option>
<br> To select more than one country, Hold CTRL key while clicking
</td> </tr>


Comment box:
<textarea rows="3" cols="50" name="Comment"> ENTER YOUR COMMENT</textarea> <br>
<input type="Reset" value="Reset">
<input type= "Submit" value="Submit">


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Add image in HTML Programm in Computer

Programme which shown here is shows how to add image in HTML.

<title> MotorBike</title>
<body bgcolor = "#ffcc99>
<h2 align ="centre"> The Motor bike i love</h2>

Uses of special symbols in HTML Programm

<title>Use of Special Symbols</title>
<h4 slign="center">Presentation of MTHEMATICS</h4>
&#9658; The radius of the base of cone is 7 cm and its slant height is 10 cm.
Find the area of lateral surface of the cone<br><hr>
<b> Solution : </b><br>
&#9658; </b>here radius r=7 cm and Slant height l=10 cm<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lateral surface area of cone = &#928; * r * l<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=22/7 * 7 * 10<br>

Friday, August 13, 2010

Computer Programm for checkbox In HTML

<td>Receive alert by:</td>
<TD><input TYPE="radio" name="alert by" value="Email"checked>Email
<input TYPE="radio" name="alert by" value="SMS">SMS
<tr><td> Games of Interest:</td>
<td> <input type="checkbox" name="game" Value="Shooting"checked>Shooting
<input type="checkbox" name="game" Value="Puzzle">Puzzle
<input type="checkbox" name="game" Value="Detective"checked>Detective
<input type="checkbox" name="game" Value="scrabble">Scrabble

<td><select name="Country" Size=3 multiple>
<option  value="France">France</option>
<option  selected value="India">India</option>
<option value="New Zeland">New Zeland</option>
<option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</option>
<option value="United States">United States</option></select>
<br> to select more than one country, hold CTRL key while clicking 

Botonical garden Mauritius Quality Circles Education

Quality circles in education at Mauritius

Wel come speech at Mauritius

Botonical Garden at Mauritius