Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rate of Flow of Water,Physics practical For Standard 12

AIM :-
Fill water in a cylinder vessel, connected with a capillary, upto some height ho. Allow water to flow through capillary in a controlled way and measure the height (h) of water, in vessel, at regular intervals (t) of time. Take ten such observations. Draw a graph of h / t and find the half-life of the flow of water.

Apparatus : A burette

A stand
A beaker
A stop-watch
A capillary of fine bore
A rubber tube
A pinch cock

Rate of Flow of Water
Rate of Flow of water

  Observation table 
Rate of Flow of water Observation table

Graph of Rate of Flow of Water

Rate of Flow of Water Observation table

Graph of Rate of Flow of Water

1 comment:

  1. why aren't the graphs and the obsevations visible???????????
