AIM :-
Fill water in a cylinder vessel, connected with a capillary, upto some height ho. Allow water to flow through capillary in a controlled way and measure the height (h) of water, in vessel, at regular intervals (t) of time. Take ten such observations. Draw a graph of h / t and find the half-life of the flow of water.
Apparatus : A burette
A stand
A beaker
A stop-watch
A capillary of fine bore
A rubber tube
A pinch cock
Observation table
AIM :-
Fill water in a cylinder vessel, connected with a capillary, upto some height ho. Allow water to flow through capillary in a controlled way and measure the height (h) of water, in vessel, at regular intervals (t) of time. Take ten such observations. Draw a graph of h / t and find the half-life of the flow of water.
Apparatus : A burette
A stand
A beaker
A stop-watch
A capillary of fine bore
A rubber tube
A pinch cock
Rate of Flow of Water |
Rate of Flow of water |
Observation table
Rate of Flow of water Observation table |
Graph of Rate of Flow of Water |
Rate of Flow of Water Observation table |
Graph of Rate of Flow of Water |
why aren't the graphs and the obsevations visible???????????