Saturday, January 15, 2011

Standard 12 Computer Subject Advanced HTML -Forms and Frames

Computer Subject for Standard 12

Dear Friends
Here i have listed some MCQ presentation for the students, you can free download,and share with your friends which will be helpful for practice of Computer Subjects MCQ of Standard-12.
You can easily share, it is totally free and sharing Knowledge purpose.
wish you may find it very very useful to you.

For downloading you must require powerpoint 2003 min.
so please take note.

Free Download MCQ Presentation for Practice.

1. Advance HTML forms and frames.

3. Website Designing and Usability Features.

4. Design and Development of Simple Websites Using MS Publisher

5. Introduction to E-Commerce.

6. Layout Design of E-commerce Website .

7. Introduction to Open Source Software.

8. Working with Linux Operating System.

9. OpenOffice : Word Processing and Presentation Authoring Software.

10. OpenOffice : Spreadsheet and Database Package.

11. Linux Commands Part - I .

12. Basic Linux Commands Part - II .

13. Linux Editor and Writing Simple Shell Scripts .

14. Decision Making and Looping Constructs.

Thanks for viewing it.
Please write your comments to me.


  1. Thank u for such a wonderful help.
    I will be highly oblige of u if i can get similar presentation for Std X and XI also. I am a teacher and i want to teach students through presentation

    Hemant Selankar

  2. Thank u for such a wonderful help.
    I will be highly oblige of u if i can get similar presentation for Std X and XI also. I am a teacher and i want to teach students through presentation

    Hemant Selankar
